So it’s the start of the year and you’re bursting to get back into the studio and into dance but when you do you find yourself feverishly...

The 6 Greatest Benefits of Dance Classes
In no particular order these are my personal choices on the many great benefits of taking regular dance classes that I have observed...

My Child Would Love to do More Dance Classes- What to choose now?
Many parents start off with choosing one particular dance style and class for their child and after a term or two realise with joy that...

Making Good Parenting Decisions: whether and where to enrol your child in Tiny Toe dance classes.
The selection of hobbies and activities for the Pre schooler has reached phenomenal proportions and as a parent you could surely spend...

Is Your Child Serious About Dance?
Signs to look for and what to do So your child has been happily taking one or two dance classes a week and you thought it was all...

Improving Technique
To Improve your Technique you must first of all make sure you are training with a good dance teacher. She or he should be qualified to...

Setting Goals for Dancers
Although the New Year is already a month old, the start of a new term and a new year of dance classes is an excellent point in time to...